Children and youth who are experiencing social, emotional and/or relationship difficulties will benefit from our Child & Youth Counselling Program. Counsellors believe that all children and youth need a connection to family or other positive role models to help them mature. This link is vital in order to provide guidance, direction and nurturing. Supporting children and youth will in turn lead to healthy relationships and mature adults. Counsellors realize the needs and concerns of children and youth are much different than those of adults. The support we offer will include measures to deal with these differences.

“My counselor always goes above and beyond.”
The goal of the Child & Youth Counselling Program is to support and assist children and adolescents in the following ways:
- Adjusting to changes in family life or structure
- Coping with difficult emotions and situations at home and at school
- Reconciling relationships with parents and/or extended family
- Transitioning from home to independence
- Living in crisis situations
- Coping with gender identification and sexual orientation issues
The Child & Youth Counselling program is available to young people living in Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington. UnitedWay funding allows Resolve to offer this program to youth and their families at an affordable rate. Group sessions are also available.
Our Child and Youth counsellors offer support with several of our community partners through providing counselling services at a variety of locations in the area. Resolve knows that by connecting youth with support services in the community they can navigate life’s pressures with greater resiliency.
The Child and Youth program welcomes referrals of children and youth aged 7 to 25 who face concerns related to school, family, sexual orientation, addiction, eating disorders, depression and stress. Our male and female counsellors have a wealth of experience addressing these issues.

Resolve Counselling Services Canada receives funding from the United Way of Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington to help support the Child & Youth Counselling program.