Formal Complaints Policy & Procedure

En Francais

Client’s Right to Complain or Appeal Policy & Procedure


Any client has the right to appeal or complain about any aspect of their treatment at the Agency. Counsellor will inform clients of their rights.


  1. Client complaints will be taken seriously and be treated expeditiously. Client complaints are to be monitored by the appropriate Manager or Director. Complaints that cannot be resolved by a Manager/Director or are of a serious nature will be reported to the Executive Director.
  2. Clients are to be informed at intake or the initial session that:
    • they can talk to their counsellor should they have any concerns about the services they receive; or
    • they can contact the appropriate Manager, Director or Executive Director to express their concerns. In addition, clients receive an information handout in their initial session which states their right to complain or appeal.
  3. The Manager, Director or Executive Director will review their concerns.
  4. Once the Manager, Director or Executive Director has reviewed the client’s concern:
    • the case will be discussed with the counsellor;
    • client will be informed of the result.
  5. If the client is still not satisfied, he/she may write to the President of the Board.
  6. A quarterly report, summarizing client complaints within Clinical and Credit Counselling Programs, actions taken and outcome is provided to the Board of Directors on a quarterly basis and a summary report of all client complaints is provided to the Board of Directors on an annual basis.

Please refer to the Agency Formal Complaints (External) policy regarding an avenue for clients to come forward with information about illegal practices, professional misconduct or other serious wrongdoings.

Formal Complaints.pdf

Formal Complaints.pdf – En Francais

Anonymous Complaint