Resolve Counselling and Community Services is a division of Resolve Counselling Services Canada that offers a number of programs and services that have been developed to support individuals, couples, and families overcome challenges that affect their emotional and social well-being.
All of our counsellors believe that the individuals, couples, families, and groups who come to us for counselling are resilient and have the inherent strengths needed to solve their unique set of challenges.
Each of our clinical counsellors uses a counselling approach that is informed by current best practices. All of our counsellors are motivated to support healthy relationships and strong communities. Our counsellors understand that those who seek our help have a unique perspective on their own problems and that these perspectives need to be included in the individualized counselling process.
How can we help you overcome the challenges that affect your state of emotional and social well-being?
Resolve offers the following Counselling & Community Services programs:
- Adult Protective Services Worker (APSW)
- Child & Youth Counselling
- Family Court Support Worker
- Individual & Family Counselling
- Partner Assault Response (PAR)
- Residential Placement Advisory Committee (RPAC)
- Trusteeship Programs
- Women’s Counselling
- Youth in Transition Worker (YITW)