Annual General Meeting of Resolve Counselling Services Canada

Financial Fitness Conference

Our staff members had an amazing time at the Financial Fitness Conference last week! Check out some of the highlights! Delima Whittle, Credit Counselling Coordinator, Resolve Credit Counselling, shown displaying her OACCS Award; pictured with William Moores, Director of Operations,...

5 Steps to a Good Budget

Step 1: Spending Habits The first step to a successful budget is knowing where every penny is spent over a one-month period. Write it all down, carry a small pad with you or keep all receipts. Track all spending including trips to the corner store and the coffee shop. Step 2: Get...

Real people with real problems

Newly Wed & Newly In Debt "All through school I'd managed to stay out of debt. Now that we were married, I saw that my husband didn't manage money the same way. We had two ways of looking at things. I went along at first -buying everything at once so that our home would be perfect....

Maclean’s Magazine Article

Director, Debbie Gillis of Resolve Credit Counselling was quoted recently in an article written by author Julie Cazzin. The article in Maclean's magazine titled “Canadians are borrowing their way to ‘wealth’ and increasingly they are tapping family and friends for funds” can be...