Using Visualization to Reduce Spending

Using Visualization to Reduce Spending

Visualization exercises have been used for centuries to help people achieve their goals. The world is full of distractions and sensory overload that can throw you off course. Visualization helps you become aware of outside distractions and allows you to work out a plan of action from the...

Christmas Spending Tips

Christmas is right around the corner, and you might be feeling a bit overwhelmed with all that is left to do. Some people love Christmas, and others feel it is too commercialized. We on the other hand think it is a great time of year to stop, reflect and take the time to show the people...

How Much Debt can I Manage?

A government study a few years ago showed that the average Canadian was spending 31% of pretax income on housing costs. With the rapidly increasing cost of electricity and heat, due in large part to Smart Meters and HST, we can say that many people spend half of their after-tax pay just...

How Do I Avoid Credit Card Problems?

There is an old expression which applies top many people who are faced with credit card debts and that is “the most expensive item you will ever buy is the one bought on credit”. We live in a society today where the emphasis has switched from saving toward the purchase of an item to...

Financial Tips for Students

Credit Counsellors often meet very intelligent students who are completely overwhelmed with their financial situation. With easy credit combined with the high cost of education students are graduating with very high debt loads. When this is combined with uncertainty in the job market it...

5 Steps to a Good Budget

Step 1: Spending Habits The first step to a successful budget is knowing where every penny is spent over a one-month period. Write it all down, carry a small pad with you or keep all receipts. Track all spending including trips to the corner store and the coffee shop. Step 2: Get...

Real people with real problems

Newly Wed & Newly In Debt "All through school I'd managed to stay out of debt. Now that we were married, I saw that my husband didn't manage money the same way. We had two ways of looking at things. I went along at first -buying everything at once so that our home would be perfect....