Persons Day

Persons Day

October 18th is Persons Day in Canada. Today marks the anniversary of the day in 1929 when the historic decision to include women in the legal definition of “persons” was handed down by Canada’s highest court of appeal. This gave some women the right to be appointed to the...

International Day of the Girl Child

October 11, 2022 is the 10th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl Child. The past 10 years have seen an increase in the attention given to issues that matter to girls amongst governments, policymakers and the general public yet investments in girls rights remains limited...

World Mental Health Day and Thanksgiving

October 10th is World Mental Health Day, a day created by the World Health Organization to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to mobilize efforts in support of mental health. The day is meant to provide an opportunity for all stakeholders working on mental health...

Women’s History Month

In 1992, the Government of Canada designated October as Women’s History Month to celebrate the many achievements of women throughout Canada’s history. 2022 marks the 30-year anniversary of this month long celebration and this years theme is “She Did, So Now I Can” This theme is a...

Women-Supporting-Women in person Drop-In Group

Free, confidential, and supportive drop-in groups for women who have, or currently are, experiencing abusive or unhealthy relationships. Participants will need to contact our intake worker to register the first time they attend. Please call: 613-549-1180 to register no later than the...

Adverse Childhood Experiences

Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and their impact on health in adulthood were initially brought to the public’s attention in 1995 through research conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Kaiser Permanente health care organization in California. The...

Elephant In The Room

Elephant In The Room Every Tuesday 3:30pm - 4:30pm Starting Aug 2, 2022 Where One Roof 484 Albert St. Kingston Join us in a safe space to chat about difficult topics. Gain and share information about weekly topics related to stigma, harm reduction and peer support. Have...

Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory June 17-18, 2022 Community Wellbeing Centre (Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte) 50 Meadow Dr Deseronto, ON, K0K 1X0 We Are Here To Help If you attended a Federal Indian Day School, you may be eligible for compensation. A Community Support Session will...