How Do I Avoid Credit Card Problems?

How Do I Avoid Credit Card Problems?

There is an old expression which applies top many people who are faced with credit card debts and that is “the most expensive item you will ever buy is the one bought on credit”. We live in a society today where the emphasis has switched from saving toward the purchase of an item to...

March 4-8 is Social Work Week.

Please join us in recognizing the valuable contributions of social workers and social service workers across Canada- including right here at Resolve Counselling Services Canada. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of individuals, families, groups, and communities each and...

Financial Tips for Students

Credit Counsellors often meet very intelligent students who are completely overwhelmed with their financial situation. With easy credit combined with the high cost of education students are graduating with very high debt loads. When this is combined with uncertainty in the job market it...