We Have Been Registered as an Official Charity Partner in the Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend

Locating Student Loans

When looking for your student loans, remember that once your student loans come due and move through the collection process, they may break into several different portions. It is important to go back to any original paperwork that you have kept to ensure that you track all the...

Yes We’re Open

Yes we're open and Still here for you YGK Sexual Assault Centre Kingston (SAC Kingston) Accepting new intakes of all survivors, regardless of gender 12+. Distance counselling accessed via telephone or online. 24/7 Crisis & Support Line available 1-877-544-6424 | Please contact us...

June is PRIDE month

June is National Pride Month in Canada! Resolve Counselling Services Canada proudly supports Pride and celebrates the history, courage, and diversity of the LGBTQ2SA+ communities. To learn more on the history of pride, check the link below: HISTORY OF CANADIAN PRIDE On behalf...

Kingston Defeat Depression 2021

Kingston Defeat Depression 2021 - Virtual Walk & Talk Fundraiser As we continue to face the COVID-19 health crisis, we are also facing a critical mental health crisis. Join us for this year’s Virtual Walk & Run fundraiser event in support of local mental health programs and...

Women-Supporting-Women VIRTUAL Drop-In Group

Women-Supporting-Women VIRTUAL Drop-In Group  Free, confidential, and supportive drop-in groups for women who have, or currently are, experiencing abusive or unhealthy relationships. Participants will need to contact our intake worker to register the first time they attend. Please...

Mental Health Matters

Are you feeling stressed or anxious? Looking for some resources? Discover the various resources Mental Health Matters Guide offers, including general information on mental health, relevant articles and regional mental health services. Please note that we are not a crisis or...

Ontario Eviction Ban

“Ford announced that the province was halting enforcement for residential evictions while the state of emergency is in place.” This is good news for people in dire circumstances. But, please be aware, this Ontario Eviction Ban doesn’t mean that you can stop paying rent during the...

Financial literacy in 2021

Mary Huntley, a certified credit counsellor with Resolve, talks about Financial literacy in 2021 after a challenging 2020. Read more here https://ottawa.citynews.ca/local-news/how-to-dig-yourself-out-of-that-2020-financial-hole-according-to-a-credit-counsellor or listen...